Monday, August 9, 2010

You can report the news or you can make the news!

Due to the life I have chosen, I get the amazing privilege of meeting hundreds of people from all walks of life. Whenever I get the chance to interact with these people whether it’s one-on-one or in observing them as they interact with others, I am amazed that most people speak about other people’s lives or when they talk about their lives they talk primarily about their past. One day it struck me that as we go through life we are always talking about something or someone or people are talking about us. That is you are either reporting the news or you are making the news.

Although there is nothing wrong with either one of these things, I believe that how much of a person's time gets invested in reporting the news will create certain outcomes in life just as investing time in making the news will create certain outcomes in life. Most people spend a lopsided amount of time talking about other people’s lives. They spend time talking about how so and so is getting divorced, which celebrities are dating, which are breaking up, how the economy is doing and what the experts are saying will happen moving in to the future. On another level they may not be talking about others, but they are involved in the game of rehashing old memories with “remember when…” stories of how things used to be or how they once did something. It's, unfortunately, quite rare to hear about what someone is up to in one's life, NOW!

So let me ask you...Are you reporting the news or making the news? Until next time...

Live FREE!

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