Lack of money? Perhaps. Not enough time in a day? Too many things on your plate? How about not enough education or the right upbringing? What's just not meant for people like you? or It's just not the right time, the timing is not good right now? Maybe you're just waiting for things to be just right, you're one of these "as long as" or "when this happens...then I will..." people.
Most people when posed with this question will inevitably name some set of circumstances and situations as to why they haven't accomplished what they want or haven't started on what they want. Let me ask you, what if that wasn't it? Really? What if all of the reasons and excuses you keep making weren't the real issue? I know, in your mind those things really seem like the reasons why not to, but just consider the question. What if that's just your mind playing tricks on you? What if your mind was so powerful that it can come up with these great stories to cover up what's really stopping you? What might the stories be covering up? What if the stories were just stories, and you could author new ones?
Until next time...
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