Did you answer it out loud like I asked? If you did we'll get to it in just a minute here. If you did not, how come? What did you tell yourself that kept you from answering that question? Just play along, okay?
Now...if you did answer it out loud did you state your job title? I was amazed how many people gave me their job title when I asked them what it is that they did. Either that or gave me something that sounded rehearsed and completely canned. One guy gave me his job title, and when I asked him "What exactly does that mean?" He fumbled about for words. I'm convinced still that this guy doesn't really know what he actually does for work!
It's amazing how people throw around titles and I guess expect people to know what the job description is for that title. After all I know lots of parents, and if you were to ask all of these parents what they actually do I'm sure you'd get a bunch of different answers, wouldn't you? So the obvious question I will leave you with today is "What do you do?" Until next time...
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