Monday, October 18, 2010

What are the fundamentals of life?

If you're to ask most people who've succeeded at anything, they almost always talk about the fundamentals. There are the fundamentals to baseball, football, golf. People get wowed and awed by the fancy displays and big plays, but the ones who know, know that it's the basics done well that ultimately lead to a win. Which begs the question, if you want to win the game of life, what are the fundamentals a person must master?

I'm certainly no expert, but here are some things that I think fall in to this category:


In the upcoming weeks I will touch on each of these. I'm sure you have your own ideas about what these words mean, but I will do my best in the limited capacity of the written word in explaining what each of these means to me. In the mean time, I'd love to hear from you as well. What do you perceive these words to mean? What do you think is missing from this list? What do you think is unnecessary? What are the fundamentals that you live by?

Until next time...

Live FREE!

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