Certainly it seems that on the surface these things do make sense, after all the thought process is something like "I don't have enough money, therefore if I have enough money then I'll be free." There is nothing wrong with having money, degrees or the title at work. All of these things are worthwhile pursuits in life. The real issue for most people are that they are enslaved and trapped by the idea that these things outside of themselves will provide them with a sense of freedom. It seems to me, though, that by the time you accumulate the things that you thought would provide you with a feeling of being free that thought has enslaved you to that thing.
How would you know if you are in bondage like this? Imagine what life would be like without that thing. Name it. What would you experience if you lost your title, your job, your car, your spouse, your house, children? Really ask yourself, have you put your sense of security in these things outside of you? Even religion! If your sense of security is dependent on these things, then I'd say that you are in bondage or enslaved by them. These things provide you with some false sense of security.
I've been working on my message for some time now, and haven't been able to figure it out until tonight. I certainly want people to live inspired lives, but it occured to me that unless people are free - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically - they have a difficult time being inspired. So many people are trapped in going to jobs they don't like just so they can pay the bills on time to keep up their good credit and keep the things - they are in bondage to the system, this perpetual cycle. I want you to be FREE! My goal for you is FREEDOM! How would you like that?
To your FREEDOM,
ReplyDeleteThis definitely hits home, I just recently, had a very similar conversation, with Lillian. Your right on. Thank you for sharing...