Life is full of prices and payoffs isn't it? You may be able to get away with a payoff in the short term without paying a big price up front, but everything in life has a cost to it. And life has a way of balancing out the equation, eventually. Pay now or pay later? Most people would rather pay later, but that seems to me that's because most people don't have an understanding of how prices and payoffs work in conjunction with eachother. A mentor of mine used to always say you can pay your prices up front or you can pay later with penalties and interest.
Even geater than that, there are some things in life that require you to pay all of your prices up front and don't guarantee you anything? For example, I don't know of any Olympic athlete who shows up for the games, gets the gold medal for the promise of working out diligently for the next ten years. Not even Michael Phelps and he has a track record of sucess, deosn't he? It looks silly in print doesn't it, yet how many of us so often want the successes of life without paying the prices required for success up front? We negotiate with God, ourselves, and whoever else rather than just paying the price that success requires and demands from us. When and how did work become a dirty four letter word? Perhaps it has something to do with how little our society currently rewards it, but again probably a subject for some other time. In the mean time I'd like to leave you with a couple of thoughts:
1. Success demands three things and guarantess you nothing. Success demands that YOU pay a price, not someone else. Success demands that you pay your price in full. And success demands that you pay all of your prices up front!
2. The price paid for excellence will always be a bargain compared to the price paid for mediocrity.
Until next time...
Live FREE!
P.S. Do you have any questions that I can help you with? I'd be more than happy to entertain any questions you have and possibly even help you in creating solutions to some of your challenges. I'd love to hear from you, so feel free to send me an email to Live FREE!!
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