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As we get started here I want to discuss with you a few things, because as you get in to this book you’ll see yourself falling in to a few different categories. My goal in writing this was not to offend anyone; however, it is pretty apparent to me that some people might become offended. If you happen to be one of those people that become offended, please understand that I have no intentions of offending anyone with what I’ve written. Another group of people are those who will read this book, and do little or nothing with the information. They might even agree with a lot of what they read, but for whatever reason they’ll never do anything with it. The third group is predominantly whom this book was written for, and you’ll know if you belong in this group in a little bit.
Let me ask you a question, though, what makes a lion a lion? Would you agree that there is a difference between a lion in the wild and a lion that lives in captivity? Is a lion in captivity, one that has never lived in the wild, truly a lion? Yeah it certainly looks like one, doesn’t it? Which begs the question in my mind what is the difference between the two?
I don’t know if you’ve watched the movie Happy Feet, but in the movie the main character Mumble goes in search of finding the answer to the problem of shortage of fish to eat. Eventually he finds himself living in captivity, being fed all the fish he wants. When he first arrives in his captive environment he asks one of the other penguins, “Where am I?” and the other penguin answers back “You’re in heaven.” At first the environment makes no sense to Mumble at all and he tries to escape, but after a while his eyes glaze over, he becomes like all of the other captive and captivated penguins, merely existing in this environment, being fed when it’s feeding time, jumping in the water to swim around a bit, never having to worry about anything, not really accomplishing anything, surviving but I wouldn't say LIVING! One day he has a vision of his family that he left behind. He remembers why it is that he left them in the first place, and gets back on track with his mission and ultimately accomplishes it.
Back to the question about lions. If you were born in to captivity how would you know the difference between your existence and the existence of a wild lion? You’d never know, would you? You’d only know what you were missing once you saw the existence of a lion in the wild, wouldn’t you? Two lions that on the outside look the same, to the untrained person both would seem to represent the same danger. We do understand, though, they are not the same. The one in captivity, if it’s been in captivity long enough or it was born in captivity, is quite tame. It has the potential to be dangerous, but the higher likelihood is that it will never do any harm to anyone. The one in the wild, unlike the one in captivity is a completely different story. The one in the wild when it is hungry will find food. The one in captivity will wait for someone to feed it. Yes it is true that both are actually lions, but at the same time we could agree that they are not at all the same.
Now, let’s think about this. Two people look the same on the outside, yet what drives them are two different things. I’d like you to consider the possibility that most human beings at this point in history have been born in to captivity. That most people are sitting around waiting to be fed. I’d also like you to consider that most people also have a much greater potential than this, but that is in fact where they find themselves. Quite frankly, most people have never questioned this, and until they come across a person who is “wild” they never would even think about it. Here’s how you know if I’m talking to you. If you’re one of these people who are never satisfied, who sit around saying to yourself things like, “I know I’m capable of much more than what I’m currently doing.” Or “I want so much more than what I have.” You’re more than likely the person I’m writing this book for. If you’ve started more than one business and failed, but you keep telling yourself that the next one will be the one, you’re probably the person I’m writing this book for. If you’re cynical or think that it couldn’t possibly be you, then more than likely it’s not for you.
There’s nothing wrong with being a lion. Please don’t take this the wrong way. Plenty people are happy being a lion, living in captivity, living in safety and security, knowing when their paycheck is coming, being able to predict the next fifty years of life. Then again, there’s nothing right about this way of being either, and certainly there’s nothing wrong with being a LION. For some of us we’d rather live life on our own terms. We understand that living wild guarantees nothing, but we love being in the hunt. We know that we will experience hurts. We know that there will be times when we go hungry. We also know that it’s ultimately up to us, and we wouldn’t want it any other way. We may fall on our faces more than others, but we also know that we will experience the ecstasy of winning big. We love to win, hate to lose, but ultimately it’s the competition that drives us…to see what we’re made of.
So let me ask you are you a lion or are you a LION? If you’re the “right” person reading this book I will break down some very simple concepts and ideas along with some historical facts and truths that will forever alter your future…as long as you take action on what you read. I will also introduce you to some other LIONS, so that you can start identifying with these people. These are not the only LIONS in the world, but their stories of success, setbacks and SUCCESS will not only encourage you, but you will also be able to relate to them. Ultimately, I believe that everyone reading these words has the potential to be "dangerous" and my goal is to shake you up and arouse that spirit inside you.
Perhaps you’ve already decided that you’re not the person this book was written for. That’s too bad, because I know that deep inside you resides the spirit of a LION. Perhaps you’re not sure if you are or you are not. Either way, I would encourage you to finish this book. You may read something that ignites that spirit in you, and you’ve already come this far, why not just finish what you started, right? Are you ready? Because ready or not here we go...
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