He's starting to talk, so it's really fun watching him interact with others. Obviously his tool box of words is quite limited, but do you think that stops him from getting things done? Absolutely not. He even mispronounces the limited words he has, but he still finds a way to get things done.
For example he says, "Mommy!" Sometimes it takes a bit to make out what he's saying. A little while ago he starting saying, "Mommy!" over and over again, a good two dozen times or more. Using just that one word along with a bit of body language and changes in tones he finally got his intended result...a cup of water (which he decided to share with me, by the way :)So what do you make of this?
Here's what I've learned today:
1. If I'm committed I'll find a way.
2. Communication is more about intention than it is about the right words or even saying them correctly.
3. Use what I've got. Even with the limited resources at his disposal he uses the heck out of it...combined with the commitment and intention to get it done the results happen.
4. Don't worry about what it looks like.
Great lessons going into the new year. Have fun, learn lots and until next time...
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