1. Have an outcome in mind. Obviously my outcome was to win. Because of this desired outcome I was strategizing and planning. I once read an article in a golf publication that suggested you play for money the next time you're out on the course. The premise was that even if you had just a dollar or two on the line, because the stakes were higher your concentration level would go up. I think that this is quite valid. Which would have you...
2. Gather information and figure out what your resources are, utilize the information to formulate a strategy and execute. Very quickly I figured out who on my team could catch, run, etc. Once that information was gathered I knew who would be my go-to people and who would be playing more supportvie roles. During a pick-up game? Of course. Why would I go to such great lengths during a pick-up game? The actions I was taking were being dictated by the desired outcome.
3. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. As much as I wanted to perform, the reality of the situation was that I am no longer in the kind of shape that allows me to do what I want to. Perhaps it has something to do with age, but it certainly has a whole lot to do with simply being out of shape. Perhaps you have great dreams and desires in life, but what you may be missing are skill sets. That's certainly possible, and brings me to the next point...
4. If you're committed you'll find a way. It won't happen over night, but it will happen. As a result of that day, I decided to get back in to shape. Now I may never get back to the level of fitness I had at 22, but I can get to the best possible level for me at 42. It's amazing that once I made the decision to get back in shape, how easy it was to find the time to do it. Whereas before I could never find the time, but I could always find excuses. :) So the questions I have for you are...
In life are you playing to win or just playing? Are you utilizing your resources? Do you need to improve your skill sets or even take on new ones? and Finally, are you committed or just involved?
There's more, but we'll save those for some other time. Until next time...
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